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BANANA & Partners’ CEO Receives ‘Local Hero’ Award at Indonesia CSR Award 2023
Jakarta [December 2023] – Herry Wijaya, CEO of BANANA & Partners, has been honored with...
Powering a Sustainable Future: BANANA & Partners Collaborate with Pertamina Hulu Mahakam to Transform Waste Cooking Oil into Biofuel in Anggana, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan
On July 8, 2023, BANANA & Partners conducted a comprehensive training on the conversion of...
BANANA & Partners Take Action: Championing Sustainable Ecosystem through Waste Management at Titik Nol Nusantara in the IKN
From Titik Nol Nusantara, in Ibukota Negara (IKN) located in Sepaku Subdistrict, North Penajam...
Empowering Communities: BANANA & Partners’ Contribution to the Pelaut Tangguh Program alongside PERTAMINA PHE OSES in Pulau Harapan, Kepulauan Seribu
In a remarkable collaboration aimed at empowering local fishermen and promoting sustainable...
BANANA & Partners Join APEC Agenda in Taiwan for Green Transformation
Taipei, Taiwan – BANANA & Partners, represented by its Chief Business Officer, Rifqi...
Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR): The Ultimate Solution for Mitigating Climate Change
Biochar is produced by heating biomass and converting it to a more stable form. Biomass is...
Charcoal Briquette for the Environment and National Economy
Biochar is a coal-like substance produced by burning organic material from agricultural and...
BANANA & Partners Sustainability Report 2022
The 2022 Sustainability Report of BANANA & Partners (PT Abadan Nusantara International) is the...
Plastic Waste into Valuable Goods
Plastic waste sorting in PANDORA Recycling is the process of collecting used materials that are...