Our Services

Waste Management Service
We provide waste management services for B2B (Buildings, Offices, Housing, Malls, Apartments, etc.) that are managed wisely and equipped with a sustainability report as our accountability report in managing customer waste properly. We provide on-site and off-site waste management. On-site, namely, waste management collaboration with facilities built in customer areas, while off-site waste management is managed at our facilities. Specifically off-site, we are opening partnerships in Balikpapan and Tangerang districts and their surroundings.

Audit for Energy
To help reduce the value of Energy Consumption Intensity, Prepare companies in managing energy use (energy management) to lead to optimal and efficient energy management, help one of the points in supporting the PROPER program in companies, and prepare companies towards ISO 50001 regarding Energy Management Systems we provide consulting services for energy audits in our customer companies.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Consulting
In general, the purpose of this LCA study is to fulfill the provisions stipulated in Permenlhk Number 1 of 2021 for PROPER (GREEN and GOLD) candidate companies, while the specific objectives and scope of the study are as follows:
- SNI ISO 14040:2016: (Environmental Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Principles and Framework.)
- SNI ISO 14044:2017: (Environmental Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Requirements and Guidelines)
- PPKL Director General Regulation Number: P.14/PPKL/SET/DIK.0/9/2018
- Identifying environmental hotspots in the company’s business processes and potential for continuous improvement. Therefore, we provide LCA consulting services for Green and Gold PROPER candidate companies.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Collaboration
We collaborate to form a sustainability and circular economy ecosystem by partnering with CSR companies in various regions. One of our partners is Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan and Bayan Resources Since 2020. We open opportunities for companies to expand sustainable impacts for the climate change sector, economic growth, renewable energy, and community empowerment.

Waste Water Treatment Plant Consulting
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a series of processes carried out to remove organic and inorganic substances from water, so that water can be reused. Usually, WWTP is carried out for agricultural wastewater treatment, urban wastewater treatment, and industrial wastewater treatment, including mining activities. We open consultations for WWTP with chemical, physical, biological, or combination processing types.
Consulting. Recycling. Trading.
Join us in our mission to create sustainable business practices that lead to a healthier planet. At BANANA & Partners, we don’t just offer services—we deliver solutions that pave the way for a sustainable future.