BANANA & Partners and Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan region (CSR DPPU Sepinggan) tried to widen the sustainability ecosystem by creating an event called Be Better Challenge. This event aims to capture waste banks in Balikpapan and open access to collaboration and innovation in the long term.
“We hope that the Waste Bank, with the presence of Pertamina through the Pertamina Better program together with BANANA & Partners can strengthen the circular economy from upstream to downstream,” said Nindy, CSR Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan.
The Pertamina team with BANANA & Partners and the Environment Agency visited 9 Waste Banks in Balikpapan City in person to meet with administrators and community leaders and see the innovations firsthand.
One of the newest Waste Banks visited was Wonorejo Prona 3, where the head of this waste bank is Mr Thomas Sukino, who has been involved in the community to develop eco enzymes for 35 years. Mr Thomas is passionate about making Ecoenzym with the concept of house-to-house (Plasma) and planting Aloe Vera, which later the aloe vera product can be commercialized through a waste bank. The Waste Bank specifically collects recycled waste that is only 3.5 months old and is currently ready to collaborate with the Pertamina Better program and BANANA & Partners.
There are so many problems that can be solved through the Waste Bank, especially the community’s habit of sorting, managing, and reducing waste, but it will be difficult if there is no consistent support and regeneration for the future. The presence of Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan Region (CSR DPPU Sepinggan) and BANANA & Partners, together to create a sustainable Waste Bank for the NUSANTARA.