Empowering and Revitalizing 9 Waste Banks in Balikpapan

BANANA & Partners and Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan region (CSR DPPU Sepinggan) tried to widen the sustainability ecosystem by creating an event called Be Better Challenge. This event aims to capture waste banks in Balikpapan and open access to collaboration and innovation in the long term.

“We hope that the Waste Bank, with the presence of Pertamina through the Pertamina Better program together with BANANA & Partners can strengthen the circular economy from upstream to downstream,” said Nindy, CSR Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan.

The Pertamina team with BANANA & Partners and the Environment Agency visited 9 Waste Banks in Balikpapan City in person to meet with administrators and community leaders and see the innovations firsthand.

One of the newest Waste Banks visited was Wonorejo Prona 3, where the head of this waste bank is Mr Thomas Sukino, who has been involved in the community to develop eco enzymes for 35 years. Mr Thomas is passionate about making Ecoenzym with the concept of house-to-house (Plasma) and planting Aloe Vera, which later the aloe vera product can be commercialized through a waste bank. The Waste Bank specifically collects recycled waste that is only 3.5 months old and is currently ready to collaborate with the Pertamina Better program and BANANA & Partners.

Mr. Thomas, The Leader of Waste Bank of Wonorejo Prona 3

There are so many problems that can be solved through the Waste Bank, especially the community’s habit of sorting, managing, and reducing waste, but it will be difficult if there is no consistent support and regeneration for the future. The presence of Pertamina Patra Niaga Kalimantan Region (CSR DPPU Sepinggan) and BANANA & Partners, together to create a sustainable Waste Bank for the NUSANTARA.

BANANA & Partners Win Indonesia Energy Innovation Challenge 2022

An energy transition in Indonesia is urgently needed and is still being developed. And Indonesia has many potentials. The next generation of business leaders and talent is just around the bend and is prepared to make a difference by making ground-breaking contributions to the energy transition. Every year, all parties involved in or interested in the energy transition in Indonesia come together for the Indonesian Energy Innovation Challenge 2022. In addition to creating new connections and enabling the beginning of new collaborations, the event gives students and entrepreneurs a platform to discuss their concepts and solutions.

In 2022, the Energy Innovation Challenge is organized by Energy Investment Management, Initiate, Enlit Asia, SBM ITB, SRE UB, and APLSI (Association of Indonesian Private Electricity Producers). BANANA & Partners along with seven other energy startups were selected as finalists in this event. June 30, 2022, attended by judges Leo Pulles (Senior Investment Advisor of Energy Investment Management BV), Kamia Handayani (VP Climate Change and Safeguard PLN), Adrianto Darmoyo (VP of Renewables at Medco Power Indonesia), and Irvan Farastha (CEO Powerbrain ), BANANA & Partners pitched and asked questions with the judges.

Represented by Rifqi Al-Ghifari (CBO), Karina Kristanti (BD), Herry Wijaya (CEO), and Wildan Elsha (CTO), BANANA & Partners conveyed PANDORA’s innovation which is a waste-to-energy and waste-to-material facility that aims for sustainable prosperity. Other startups that were present in the final round were Exit, Sangkara, eco wave power, weav air, lectro energy semesta, Kincir island, and Beli Jelantah.

At the end of the event, the announcement of the winners, BANANA & Partners succeeded in taking first place or as the Champion in the Indonesia Energy Innovation Challenge 2022. As a result, BANANA & Partners will receive mentoring from expert coaches and are entitled to participate in the SOUTH EAST ASIAN ENERGY INNOVATION CHALLENGE 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand September 21, 2022.

PANDORA Cisauk is ready to run in August 2022

“This recycling center will open up new job opportunities for the Cisauk community, reduce waste, and also innovation that will continue to grow in the future, I really support it,” said the Head of Sub-district Cisauk (Kepala Kecamatan).

On Monday, June 28, 2022, together with the Head of Kelurahan Suradita, Cisauk Residents, and also the Chief Business Officer from BANANA & Partners (Rifqi Al-Ghifari) visited the Cisauk sub-district office to meet Mr. M. Yusuf fachroji (Head of Sub-district/Kepala Kecamatan). The agenda for this meeting is to take care of licensing, technical discussions, and regional regulations in the sub-district (Kecamatan).

This is an innovation that is highly appreciated as a starting point for building a waste management ecosystem and renewable energy in Cisauk, Tangerang Regency. This will push people in Cisauk to solve economic, social, and environmental problems on their own and in new ways.

“All activities involve indigenous Cisauk residents such as youth, leaders, housewives, and the general public, so that the circular economy concept is properly implemented in the PANDORA system, which will run in August 2022,” said Rifqi Al-Ghifari.

The waste-to-material and waste-to-energy capacity in PANDORA will be at least five tons per day with the waste sources around Tangerang district. In PANDORA Cisauk, there will be results in the form of chopped and pressed plastic, biocharcoal, maggot, and biodiesel. Zero Waste to Landfill.

BANANA & Partners won third place in the FoundrX Startup Pitching Tournament sponsored by Altira, Nuffic Neso, Alpha JWC, Accion, and Finch Capital

FoundrX Startup Pitching is open to Holland alumni, their family and friends who are startup founders in the nation. The program aims to support founders in capacity building and fundraising by providing them with opportunities to meet mentors, investors, and other experts who can be your sounding board throughout your foundership journey.

FoundrX, A Founders Rising Tournament By Altira SEA, a private investing network and innovative financial advisory, together with Netherland Alumni Indonesia, Alpha JWC, Accion, and Finch Capital as Investor Panel Judges and Mentors, along with many other local and global investor guests.

All Finalist, Jury, and Participant

In the final round of pitching on June 17, 2022, BANANA & Partners competed against five other startups: Nasi Kulit Syurga, Meatless Kingdom, Komerce, Arconesia, and Neurobot. BANANA & Partners, represented by Rifqi Al-Ghifari as Chief Business Officer, introduced PANDORA, a sustainable ecosystem for waste management and renewable energy. As the only startup in the waste management sector to make it to the final stage, BANANA & Partners’ outstanding contribution to the SDGs stands out.

“We hope FoundrX can support and join us to maximize waste management in Indonesia.” When you’re choosing Banana as your partnerYou contribute to sustainable prosperity that helps people do more for the planet. “ said Rifqi Al-Ghifari at the end of the pitch.

BANANA’s Highlight Impact

In commemoration of World Environment Day 2022, the CEO of BANANA & Partners receives the KALPATARU Award

BALIKPAPAN — Herry Wijaya, CEO of BANANA & Partners, won the Kalpataru award from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. The award was handed over directly by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor, to Herry for the category of Kalpataru Figures Recipient of Award Certificates and Kalpataru Figures Recipients of East Kalimantan Appreciation in 2022.

Photo of the Award Presentation by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr. Isnan Noor (Right)

The awards are given in order to encourage community participation, initiative, and involvement in preserving environmental functions, as well as to recognize individuals who have attempted to increase the carrying capacity of the environment.

In collaboration with Pertamina DPPU Sepinggan, Herry Wijaya leads the Pertamina Better program (Balikpapan Renewable Energy) in an effort to process and reduce waste using the circular economy concept.

“Thank you for the support from Pertamina to realize the improvement of community welfare, through sustainable waste management and processing programs,” said Herry.

Herry added that getting the Kalpataru award from the East Kalimantan Province was an honor and had never been thought of before.

“The mission to realize sustainable prosperity through sustainable waste management and processing activities has not been completed. Please pray for us, so that we continue to be istiqomah and trustworthy in carrying out activities,” said Herry excitedly. Currently, one Pandora (Parent Waste Bank) and six Better Shops (Upstream Waste Bank) have been formed to accommodate waste from the community and several other waste banks outside the auspices of Pertamina Better.

Photo with the Mayor of Balikpapan (right) and the Head of the Environmental Service of Balikpapan City (Left)

“The Kalpataru Award is a mandate for the recipient, to maintain and improve pioneering, as well as efforts to maintain and manage the environment and forestry,” said the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Environmental Service, E.A Rafiddin Rizal at the Kalpataru Leaders Capacity Building activity in East Kalimantan. 2022, which will be held online and offline (17/02).

Fundamental Start-up and Basic Research to Build a New Sustainable Ecosystem


On Saturday, (21/05) BANANA & Partners held the BANA Academy ‘Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship’ program. The BANA Academy program entitled ‘Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship’ is also supported by Pertamina Patra Niaga, BeKind, and New Energy Nexus. This Bootcamp activity is carried out in order to grow an ecosystem that can develop a green economy. This is the first Bootcamp in a series of events that will be held every Saturday for the next month and a half.

The first day of the Bootcamp was attended by 48 participants, who were divided into five small groups. To establish group dynamics, participants are assigned to present a business idea they want to develop. They also take on the roles of CEO, CMO, CBO, CFO, and COO to facilitate the transfer of knowledge after receiving the material.

The first material was delivered by CBO BANANA & Partners, Rifqi Alghifari. Rifqi conveyed several things related to the fundamentals of building start-ups. The purpose of this material is to equip participants with the fundamentals before they build their business. Rifqi conveyed the importance of knowing and compiling a Business Lean Canvas. This material is important to map business aspects, such as problems, solutions, target market, and unique selling points. Participants will then map out one by one the points above in the group dynamics.

In addition to delivering material on Business Lean Canvas, Rifqi also delivered material on Pitch Deck. This material covers how to write a pitch deck, the important points that must be in it, as well as pitching strategies to make it right on target. This information was given to the participants as a way to help them pitch to investors when they needed money for their business.

Participants learned more than just Business Lean Canvas and Pitch Deck. They also received a second material on cutting-edge research in science and technology. This material was delivered by Endah Suarsih, BANANA Advisor & Partner who is also a doctoral student at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Endah provides an overview of the role of science and technology in the sustainability of the ecosystems in the world, especially in Japan. Together with the CTO of BANANA & Partners, Wildan Elsha, Endah helped the participants to curate their ideas in terms of technology and market needs. Broadly speaking, scientific and technological research will accelerate and sharpen solutions for society in the long term. Research does not look one step ahead but up to 100 times faster, especially in the field of energy and the environment.

After the question and answer session, came the last session. The participants rejoined their respective groups to be dynamic with the members. They apply the material that has been obtained on the first day of this Bootcamp to assignments. In today’s material, participants are expected to gain new knowledge and insights about the fundamentals of startups and also basic research to build a sustainable green economy.

BANANA & Partners Make a Green Ecosystem Through Bana Academy ‘Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarsihp’


Saturday (14/5), BANANA & Partners held the Pre-Bootcamp Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship. This activity is one of the BANANA & Partners programs implemented in order to form an ecosystem that supports green economic growth and green jobs. The Pre-Bootcamp was attended by 50 participants who had passed the registration and selection stages.

Registration for the Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship participants is open from March 29 to April 24, 2022. Of about 116 participants who registered, there are 50 participants who are entitled to take part in the Bootcamp session. Participants who apply come from the best universities in Indonesia and are part of a generation that has a high interest in the economy and green jobs.

The Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship program is held from May 14–June 18, 2022. In accordance with the goal of creating a sustainable ecosystem in the green economy, the mentors who will fill the bootcamp session are also practitioners and experts in the environment and energy. Mentors who will fill in include Dilla Hadju from Growijaurban, Jere Jefferson, who is an Advisor at BeKind Token, Susanto Satria from Pertamina Patra Niaga, and Arif Utomo from New Energy Nexus. There were also several other mentors who participated in the mentoring session for the participants. The information that will be given will also be different. It will cover a wide range of topics, such as SDGs, investments, community development, research, and communication.

The Pre-Bootcamp session was opened with remarks from the Community Development Officer of the Sepinggan Group DPPU, Nindy Puspaningtyas, and the CEO of BANANA & Partners, Herry Wijaya. In their remarks, they hoped that the participants of the BANA Academy ‘Sustainability Bootcamp Scholarship’ could absorb as much knowledge as possible from the mentors.

After the remarks, it continued with the presentation of the Bootcamp implementation program delivered by RIfqi Alghifari, as CBO BANANA & Partners. Before the Pre-Bootcamp ended, there was a participant introduction session and team division. The next Bootcamp session will be held on Saturday, May 21, 2022, which will come.

Become Local Heroes, Herry Wijaya Optimized Can Reduce Waste Problems in Indonesia


The CEO of BANANA & Partners, Herry Wijaya, was invited as a guest speaker on the Local Heroes Talk Show on Thursday, (14/4/2022) in commemoration of the 19th Anniversary of Tribun Kaltim. Thanks to his contribution to reducing the waste problem in East Kalimantan, Herry Wijaya has been dubbed a waste hero. Herry Wijaya together with BANANA & Partners has a mission to manage waste, which is considered very effective and provides benefits to the community. BANANA & Partners itself, is a company that focuses on waste management and renewable energy.

On the Talk Show, Herry Wijaya explained the BANANA & Partners programs that were run to support the waste management mission. Several programs, such as Pay with Garbage, Alms Uses Garbage, Smart Use Garbage, and Healthy Use Garbage, use the concept of community empowerment.

In addition to the community empowerment program, Herry also revealed that BANANA & Partners also wants to form a sustainable ecosystem in the green economy. This program was later named BANA Academy. This program is open to final-year students and recent graduates who want to learn about the green economy and waste management. The hope is that this ecosystem will be sustainable and can help create a waste-free environment.

Not only in East Kalimantan, BANANA & Partners is also expected to grow globally. Therefore, Herry also revealed that on April 16–17, 2022, through the Research and Development Advisor BANANA & Partners, they will conduct a public presentation at SET Weekend, Tokyo, Japan.

Herry also explained that BANANA and Partners provide the main service, namely in the form of garbage collection using environmentally friendly electric vehicles. Then, the organic waste is processed to renew energy, while the inorganic waste will be processed into new goods. In Sepinggan, Balikpapan, at a place called PANDORA (Waste Recycling — Pusat Industri Daur Oelang Rumahan), all of the waste is processed.

BANANA & Partners received waste cooking oil to be processed into biodiesel and disinfectant. Organic waste can be used as activated charcoal, which can be used for cosmetics, and inorganic waste can be used to make bricks and other construction materials. Several companies, like Universal Tekno Reksajaya, Astra Motor, Pertamina, Prakasa Pratama Pier, and the Kalimantan Institute of Technology campus, have used the services and products of processed waste from BANANA & Partners.

Currently, BANANA & Partners is also utilizing blockchain technology to develop a circular economy in sustainable waste management. On March 1, 2022, BANANA & Partners launched the BANA Token as a utility to develop the Waste Recycling Center Ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

In the Talk Show, Herry did not forget to invite the community to contribute through the BANA Token. Herry explained how the process of purchasing products using the BANA Token. First, we have to prepare a crypto wallet first. After that, we can purchase pBANA tokens through the BANA Token Customer Service. Finally, we can only transact processed waste products from BANANA & Partners. This BANA Token will be used in the future to build PANDORA in different cities so that sustainable waste management can be spread out across Indonesia.

With the programs launched by BANANA & Partners, Herry Wijaya hopes that public awareness of waste will be raised. Herry is optimistic that by doing it together, we can realize a waste-free Indonesia.


Further information regarding the purchase of BANA Tokens:

Community Group : t.me/BANATokenIndonesia

Customer Service: t.me/BANA_CS for Customer Service


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Indonesia has been struggling with waste management problems for a long time. Based on data from the 2020 Waste Management Performance Achievement by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry from 275 regencies/cities throughout Indonesia, waste generated annually reaches 33.1 million. From a large amount of waste, unmanaged waste reached 40.7%. This amount is quite a lot to be homework that must be completed.

Many piles of untreated waste also come from households. Based on the data, there is 38% of household waste from the total amount of untreated waste. Waste that is not managed correctly can be a severe threat to the environment and public health. There have been many stories of piles of waste that have had a terrible impact. One of the ironic events was the landslide of a mountain of waste at the Cileungsi TPA, which claimed lives. Because of this incident, February 21 was later commemorated as National Waste Commemoration Day, hoping that the harmful effects caused by landfills would not be repeated.

Then, is this waste problem not taken seriously?

This question can be answered quickly. Of course, all parties, the government and the community, pay great attention to this problem. Indonesia has a target of reducing waste by 30% by 2025. However, to achieve this target, has the effort been maximized?

The problem of waste and all its drama has undoubtedly received much attention. However, there are not many sustainable waste management programs that can significantly reduce waste accumulation.

That’s what BANANA & Partners is here for.

In addition to eliminating pessimism about the waste problem, BANANA & Partners also wants to create sustainable waste management and processing ecosystem that is healthy, environmentally friendly and positively impacts society. BANANA & Partners offers the Home-based Recycling Center (PANDORA) as a solution to deal with the enormous amount of waste.

PANDORA is a centre for waste processing and producing various products such as composite materials and renewable energy owned by BANANA & Partners. In one pandora, there are several technologies, including plastic machines, FAME machines, and carbonized. We can produce FAME, biochar/charcoal, disinfectant, press plastic and shredded plastic. The largest production capacity is cooking oil into biodiesel at 400 L per day and plastic at 3 tons per day.

BANANA & Partners work together to process waste into environmentally friendly energy products. BANANA & Partners collects waste from the community; then, it is further processed to be used as energy in the form of biochar.

Waste into energy

On the other hand, it’s like crossing two or three islands once; BANANA & Partners simultaneously wants to reduce dependence on fossil energy. Based on a press release from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, Arifin Tasrif, on October 22, 2020, it was explained that an energy transition is essential. In the next nine years, this relates to oil, natural gas will run out in 22 years, and coal will run out in the next 65 years. Meanwhile, Indonesia currently has an energy source capacity of 70.96 GW with 35.36% coal, 19.36% natural gas, 34.38% from petroleum, and only 10.9% from new and renewable energy.

BANANA & Partners strives to provide clean, environmentally friendly energy that the community can reuse. An example is the use of used cooking oil for biodiesel energy products. In 2019, Indonesia produced a sizeable waste of used cooking oil, reaching 13 million tons. This figure is significant because it is only below the European Union, which produces 22.7 million tons, America produces 16 million tons, and India produces 23 million tons.

The abundant use of waste and used cooking oil in Indonesia can reduce Indonesia’s dependence on fossil energy in Indonesia. Waste that is converted into biochar and used cooking oil converted into diesel oil can reduce fossil energy needs, which are still very high.

BANANA & Partners collected waste in the form of waste and used cooking oil from the community; then, it is further processed as energy in the form of biochar and diesel oil. In this process, BANANA & Partners also prioritize environmentally friendly processing processes. The technology used is called carbonized. Benefits that our Carbonizer technology namely can provide:

  1. Zero Emissions: without emitting dioxins, furans and sulfur oxides
  2. It is easy to operate and suitable for mixed waste: it does not require special operating skills and does not require complicated separation processes
  3. Cost Saving: production costs only need less than IDR 290,000 per one ton of waste.
  4. Providing clean energy: products include charcoal, ash, clean water, synthetic gas, and heat. The wider community and industry can directly use charcoal.
  5. Fast process: carbonization only takes 2 to 3 hours to treat the waste.

Circular Economy for Sustainable Waste Management

With the technology that BANANA & Partners has, the solution to the waste problem is at hand. However, we need a concept to make the solution to this waste and energy management system sustainable.

BANANA & Partners designed the circular economy concept to address this challenge. The circular economy ecosystem is built in the form of PANDORA. This step begins with the management of waste collected from the community and B2B services, either with companies, institutions, or Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). There are also community empowerment programs for waste collection in waste and used cooking oil, such as Pay with Waste, Healthy Use Waste, Smart Use Waste, and Alms Use Waste. The collected waste, both organic and inorganic, is processed using the carbonized technology that we created to produce new products that are competitive in the market and are renewable.

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Jl. Duatan B Sakai RT 45 Gg. Merdeka, Kelurahan Sepinggan Baru,
Balikpapan Selatan 76114








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BANANA & Partners was founded in 2021 starting from concerns about the threat of waste to the environment, people’s dependence on fossil energy, and Indonesia’s current economic condition. With these four goals in mind, BANANA & Partners was born. Waste management, renewable energy, the circular economy, and the blockchain were all on the list.

Problems regarding waste that accumulates and are not processed make BANANA & Partners work together to process waste into environmentally friendly energy products. BANANA & Partners has a recycling center (Pusat Industri Daur Oelang Rumahan (PANDORA) operating in Balikpapan. In mid-2022, PANDORA will be present in the Tangerang Regency area in collaboration with Pertamina, New Energy Nexus, and Moretrash. The collected waste will be processed into various kinds of environmentally friendly products. Waste processing carried out at PANDORA uses carbonizer technology, which can process waste in 2–3 hours without producing smoke that damages the environment. It is innovative, a solution, but still eco-friendly.

Waste management carried out by BANANA & Partners uses the Circular Economy concept so that the community empowerment process continues in a sustainable manner. In 2022, BANANA & Partners launched the BANA Token. BANA Token is a real project from BANANA & Partners to realize a circular economy system from waste processing. In this regard, BANANA & Partners collaborated with BeKind to develop blockchain technology.

BANANA & Partners has processed 1,452 tons of plastic waste into plastic raw materials, 13.51 tons of office waste, 12.2 tons of used cooking oil (UCO) processed into biodiesel and disinfectant, and has been able to reduce 39.98 tons of carbon emissions by 2021. Later, it is hoped that PANDORA will be able to spread to other parts of Indonesia so that waste management has a bigger, more long-term effect.

Starting Tuesday, March 1, 2022, BANANA & Partners officially releases BANAToken. The private sale stage is carried out for 6 months starting from March 2022, then it will proceed to the pre-sale stage. Complete information about the BANA Token and the white paper is published on the https://banatoken.xyz/ page. We also have a BANA Token Indonesia community group to conduct dialogue and ask questions about the BANANA & Partners project and also the BANA Token. Banana & Partners hopes that many parties will support BANA Token so that it can have a larger positive impact in overcoming Indonesia’s waste, energy, and economic problems.


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More information :

Jl. Duatan B Sakai RT 45 Gg. Merdeka, Kelurahan Sepinggan Baru,
Balikpapan Selatan 76114








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